
About Us

We're twins, 13.
We're going into eight grade.
We're the girls who are always on the move.
I like to try out different baking expirmets. I like to eat them.
Neither of us has a middle name.
Both of us are pretty tall; taller than a lot of people in our grade.
I could wear a t-shirt and jeans every single day. I would be so bored of that outfit I'd want to rip it to shreds by the first week.
We both have silver necklaces with a "P" and "A" and we wear them every single day.
I am really sarcastic. Like all the time. So is my grandma. Guess where I got it from?
And we can both be really funny. We crack each other up all the time.
I taught myself keyboard and play percussion in the school band. We're both gonna be taking guitar classes in school, even though I already play.
I'm an introvert and quiet in class, but really talkative around my friends and family. I always talk, no matter what.Somehow even more when it's really late and I should be asleep. And that's the best time fo shuffling.
I love to sing and make music, and I won't ever stop, no matter how many times people complain. I'm the one complaining.
Hi, we're Andrea and Patricia.

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