
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Spain: Part 3- Food and Miscellaneaous

This is the last part of of  'Spain' . Enjoy!

Pealla is a Spanish speciality and I swear we ate some every single day.

A 'tropical salad', hence the pineapple.

Simpsons fans unite!

Andrea (:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Spain: Part 2- Architecture

Hi! Back for Part 2? Well, it's architecture. As in, buildings and such. 



 The inside of the building is littered by columns supporting the ceiling in a very grand style. It might not look like it, but they're really big. And you're really small. Like an ant.

In the very front of the church lies and organ. It was unoccupied  when we went there. But then again , we only stayed for the last half hour before it closed.
The inside is surrounded by stain-glass windows, and the space is bright and airy.

These drawings lie on the top of the pillars. I'm not sure what they are, but I think they're pretty interesting because the edge is the only part that's bright.


Subirachs' square is right outside the front entrance and the numbers all add up to 33, regardless of which way your going.

Know as Casa Mila, this is another of Gaudi's works.

Casa Batllo was restored by Gaudi and his assistants, and the goal of the designer was to completely avoid any straight lines. He succeded, making the balconies shaped like ball gown masks. The Building is covered in mosaic tiling (Gaudi sure liked his mosaic, huh?)

The next few pictures aren't Gaudi, I'm pretty sure. They're just some cool buildings we found on the side of the road.




We visited the Arc de Triomf on a lazy day; just walking around and we stopped  for a few minutes by the Arc.

Well, I think that covers it for today. Tommorow will be the last part - food! We all love food, am I right?
There will also be pictures of Miscellaneous. Be sure to come back tomorrow, but for now... what's your favorite movie?


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spain: Part 1- Art

Okay, we've got lots pictures of Spain, and we'll try to post them all by the end of next week, at the latest. We're gonna be doing this in parts, though. Part 1 is... Art. So here we go.

Right, this is at Park Guell. Park Guell features art and architecture by Antoni Gaudi. There is even a house in which he lived in at one point, and most everything there is designed by him.
There is a terraced area surrounded by these artsy benches, each one  different. They were created by broken pottery and such, and they're all very unique while still comfortable to sit on.

Looking out form the terrace, there is a really good view of Barcelona and the two bulidings that are the entrance to Park Guell.
The lute player was hangin' around in the park, selling his CD. We gave in  to the temptation and bought a copy. Also, if you don't know what a lute is, get your lazy bum over to Wikipedia. 
These stone pillars rise from the ground like trees, creating shade for those who to happen walk by, like we did on the fateful day we visited the Park Guell.
Gargola, Cap De Lleo Procedent De La Placca Del Parc, 1906
Translation: Gargoyle, Cap De Lleo Procedent De La Plaza Del Parc, 1906
Still don't know what it means.
Some more of Gaudi's mosaic on the walls. He had a never ending supply, it seems.

Located within the House of Gaudi (actually the Gaudi House Museum), this piano has
 some sort of fancy thingamajig.  I don't know what it could possibly do,except maybe 
write out the notes in some weird language that only birds understand.

Completely unrelated to Gaudi, the next few pictures are from  Dalí Theatre-Museum.

These three pictures (look below) are froDalí d'Or-Objets Montés, which translates to  Dalí Gold-Mounted Objects,they're one of the first in the museum.There were few more, but I really liked this one. It's really simply elegant and you can see the small picture in the circle atop the bird's head, of a girl. For this picture and the one below, I used Corel Paintshop Pro X4 to make the colour stand out and hide the reflection of my camera in the background.

There was a picture in the museum that, if you looked at it, you initially saw a  women looking through a window. If you look at it from a distance though, you'd see the face of Abraham Lincoln.
 Similar to the one above in style ,this is a painting from 1963 which looks like a Tiger but the squares are detailed with the faces of the Three Lenins Masquerading (or so it tells me at

Obviously, there were a lot more pictures than this, but I didn't have enough time to take pictures of all of the paintings, and I don't even think I saw all of the paintings. Also, I was busy being dragged along by my sister and cousin.
Anyways, I didn't upload half of my pictures , because I didn't want to bore you with all the interesting art of Salvador Dali.
Why is the sky blue? Do you even know? There's a very simple answer, I promise.

Patricia :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Preview of Spain

I'm really sorry for the delay- however, this is a preview and my sister took
a lot of pictures, so don't worry. I had time to upload a few, which will have to remain uncaptioned until Spain: Part 1 .


We'll upload Spain: Part 1 as soon as we can, maybe even later today, unless there is a world shattering earthquake (or our internet has problems), in which case I can promise nothing. What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Mine is chocolate . It's a classic. You can't go wrong.